Friday 5 May 2017

Forex Pvc Türen

2. Aufruf für das Cross-Community-Austausch-Praktikumsprogramm durch das Projekt "Leading by example" Die Zypern-Handelskammer amp Industrie und die türkisch-zypriotische Handelskammer kündigten die Einführung des 2. Aufrufs des Cross-Community-Austausch-Praktikums-Programms für junge arbeitslose Fachkräfte an Die griechisch-zypriotischen und die türkisch-zypriotischen Gemeinschaften. Bewerbungen sind nun geöffnet 5. Dezember 2016 5. Januar 2017. Weiterlesen Förderung des Wirtschaftswachstums Die zypriotische Industrie - und Handelskammer ist eine privatrechtliche Körperschaft, die unter besonderem Recht arbeitet und finanziell unabhängig ist und frei von jeglichen Einflüssen des Staates ist. Die Kammer wird durch ihre Mitglieder-Abonnementgebühren und durch Einnahmen aus einer Reihe von Dienstleistungen, die sie zur Verfügung stellt, finanziert. Die CCCI ist die Vereinigung der zypriotischen Geschäftsleute, deren Interessen sie durch die Einreichung an die Regierung und das Parlament, die die Mitglieder in Fragen stellen, gefördert wird In denen sie beteiligt sind, während durch ihre Teilnahme an dreigliedrigen Gremien und Komitees, vermittelt und fördert die Ansichten der Business Community. UAE Business Directory Führende Web-Design und Entwicklung Unternehmen in Dubai, UAE. (3421 Aufrufe seit 16-11-2016 02:02 PM) Büro Nr. 111, Oasis Center, 3. Stock, Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai, Dubai Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Wir haben jahrelange Erfahrung in der Bereitstellung von Suchmaschinenoptimierung und Webdesign für alle (113532 Aufrufe Seit 22-06-2015 09:03 AM) Neben MAWAQiF Fahrzeug Pfund, Al Safarat Bezirk, Straße 4, Zone 2 Sektor 25, Abu Dhabi POBox 46849 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate ANBIETER INTEGRIERTES CAR PARKING MANAGEMENT amp DURCHFÜHRUNG LÖSUNGEN (4763 Aufrufe seit 21 -12-2011 11:47 AM) Al Garhood, Al Zarooni Gebäude Dubai Postfach: 3253 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Transemirates Contracting ist eines der führenden Bauunternehmen im Golfgebiet und (5398 Aufrufe seit 22-06-2010 07:41 AM) HGH - leistungsstarke Medizin für Anti-Againg (5002 Aufrufe seit 02-05-2016 12:54 PM) MEDIA RELEASE Century Plys letzte Kampagne markiert eine Verschiebung in seiner Kommunikation, von einer Ware zu einer Konsumentenmarke: Lesen Sie mehr: lta data-saferedirecturlgoogleurlhlenampqimpactonnetnode4807ampsourcegmailampust1473317323549000ampusgAFQjCNE9UHNW31ix5ZNfIM7rxOVqS5SSlQ Data-cke-gespeichert-hrefimpactonnetnode4807 hrefimpactonnetnode4807 rgb (17, 85, 204) font-family: calibri, sans-serif Schriftgröße: 14.6667px Schriftart: normale Schriftart-Varianten-Ligaturen: Schriftart-Varianten-Caps: Schriftart - Gewicht: Buchstaben-Abstand: Zeilenhöhe: Waisen: 2 Text-Ausrichtung: Start Text-Einzug: 0px Text-Transformation: keine Leerzeichen: Witwen: Wort-Abstand: - webkit-Text-Strich-Breite: Hintergrundfarbe : Rgb (255, 255, 255) targetblankgtimpactonnet node4807 MEDIA RELEASE Century Plyboards zum Start von CRM für den Vertrieb von Kraftfahrzeugen und Produktivitätssteigerung: MEDIA RELEASE CenturyPly beabsichtigt eine Verschiebung der Produktkategorie mit der neuen Kampagne Sab Sahe Mast Rahe: Kolkata, August 2016: Century Plyboards India Ltd, ein Frontrunner in der Sperrholz Kategorie ist wieder mit seinem neuen TVC - Sab Sahe Mast Rahe. Die Kampagne ist produktorientiert und wird versuchen, die Konsumenten in einer unterhaltsamen Art und Weise über die Bedeutung der Investition in eine gute Qualität Sperrholz, die eine Menge Peinlichkeit und Kosten für den Verbraucher spart zu erziehen. Diese 3-Film-Kampagne, Sab Sahe Mast Rahe konzentriert sich auf die überlegene Qualität der Panel-Produkte, die CenturyPly bietet es das gewünschte Produkt auf dem Markt. Es bedeutet auch, wie wichtig die Verbraucherentscheidungen sind, während sie ihre Häuser erledigen. Die Kampagne zeigt eine Termite befallen Hause und wie die Termiten verspotten die Besitzer des Hauses, wie sie niedrig qualitativ hochwertige Produkte für ihre Heimat dcor gewählt haben, und infolgedessen mehr Ausgaben während der Wiederbelebung ihrer Häuser, während auch vor einer Menge von Peinlichkeit aus dem Gäste. CenturyPly, der Name, der gleichbedeutend mit Qualität und Haltbarkeit ist, ist sicher, ein Buzz in der Branche mit dieser Kampagne zu schaffen, da es die Notwendigkeit betont, die richtige Kaufentscheidung zu treffen, anstatt blindlings auf ihre Tischlerberatung zu verzichten und die Qualität des Produktes zu ignorieren Bei der Auswahl billiger Alternativen. Die Kampagne zielt auf den jungen städtischen Konsumenten ab, der ihr Traumhaus verwirklichen will. Die Kampagne wird drei solcher TVCs haben, die über alle Plattformen drucken, elektronisch, Radio und digital laufen. Es wird auch von einer robusten Outdoor-Medienkampagne und anderen BTL-Aktivitäten unterstützt. Herr Sanjay Agarwal, Geschäftsführer, CenturyPly sagte Consumer ist die Person, die sein hart verdientes Geld investiert. Daher war mein Brief an die Agentur sehr klar, dass die Kommunikation sehr direkt, einfach und sehr unterhaltsam sein sollte. Herr Navarun Sen, Executive Business Head Panels sagte, Sperrholz ist oft von teuren Veneers und Laminate bedeckt. Allerdings ist es wie die Stiftung und wenn das schief geht, kann es ein großer Schmerz für den Verbraucher und die Kosten für den Ersatz wird hoch sein. Deshalb muss sich der Verbraucher bei der Kaufentscheidung bewusst sein. Herr Amit Gope, Head Marketing, CenturyPly sagt, Dies ist eine Fortsetzung unserer Bemühungen, CenturyPly von einer Ware zu einer Consumer-Marke zu machen und in diesem Prozess wollen wir unsere Verbraucher verstehen und schätzen, was ein gutes Produkt ist. Termiten sind ein großer Schmerz in dieser Branche. Es war sehr wichtig zu präsentieren Centuryplys Know-how, wie sie Termiten Beweis, kochend wasserdicht Sperrholz machen. Deshalb haben wir gedacht, dass wir diesen Aspekt hervorheben und verherrlichen sollten, wenn wir mit den Verbrauchern sprechen, sagte Herr Sonal Dabral, Vorsitzender und CCO, DDB Mudra Group West Herr Abhinay Deo, Direktor - RDP sagte, ich wurde von diesem Begriff der Termiten extrem getreten Und mushaira wie das war sehr interessant, außergewöhnlich und bizzare. Es erregte mich am meisten, um dieses Konzept aufzunehmen. Herr Rajiv Sabnis, Präsident DDB Mudra West, Das Denken dahinter war, dass es einige Flächen gibt, die neu bleiben müssen und gut nach einem Zeitablauf suchen. CenturyPly war an aggressivem Markenaufbau beteiligt, mit einigen wenigen TVC-Kampagnen, die in rascher Folge gestartet wurden, und ein schnelles Markengebäude auf der Retail-Ebene auch. Sie hat vorrangige Märkte sowohl für den Absatz als auch für die Werbeschwerpunkte gesetzt, und das hat sowohl im Umsatz als auch im Markenaufbau Dividenden gezahlt. Abgesehen davon hat CenturyPly auch einige beeindruckende CSR-Kampagnen wie CenturyPly Heroes zu seinem Kredit. Klient. CenturyPly Geschäftsführer. Sanjay Agarwal Geschäftsführer, Panels. Navarun Sen Head Marketing Amit Kumar Gope PR Manager. Rupa Das Creative Agentur DDB Mudra West Vorsitzender und Chief Creative Officer: Sonal Dabral Präsident, DDB Mudra West: Rajiv Sabnis Strategie Team. Amit Kekre, Shekhar Pandey Kreatives Team. Rahul Mathew, Sharat Kuttikat, Vinayak Dubey Account Management: Ronak Shah, Vikrant Jain Films dept. Meenaz Lala Produktionshaus: Ramesh Deo Production (RDP) Regie: Abhinay Deo Produzent. Apurba Sengupta Musik. Karan Kulkarni Kostüm. Steve Newburn (angewandte Kunst FX Studio Kanada) Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. (CPIL), die erste ISO 9002 Company in Indien für Sperrholz und Furnier, begann seine Tätigkeit im Jahr 1986, CPIL erhielt auch ISO 14001 Zertifizierung im Jahr 2004. Das Unternehmen war Gebildet von Sajjan Bhajanka und Sanjay Agarwal. In einer sehr kurzen Spanne hat es eine Nische für sich geschaffen und ist Marktführer in diesem Bereich. CPIL hat seine Produktionseinheiten in Kolkata, Chennai, Guwahati, Karnal, Kandla, Myanmar und Laos. CPIL produziert heute die gesamte Palette von kommerziellen, marinen, Schalung und dekorativen Sperrholz. Andere Produkte sind Laminate, Veneers, Türen, MDF, Prelam, Faser Zement Boards, PVC-Platten, Faceveneers, Exteria Außenlaminate. Construction World, eine der bedeutendsten Wirtschaftsjournalen, hat es als das am schnellsten wachsende Unternehmen mit dem höchsten Umsatz fünfmal für die Jahre 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007 und 2008 beurteilt. Es hat in der Super Brands India Top 500 vorgestellt Im Jahr 2015, und die Top 100 Liste von Dunn amp Bradstreet für 2014-15 veröffentlicht. Als die Pioniere in Borer Proof Sperrholz und Boiling Water Resistant (BWR) das Unternehmen, hat erfolgreich eine Nische in der hart umkämpften Lifestyle-Segment erstellt. Für weitere Details wenden Sie sich bitte an: Antara Nandy Anushka Dey 9051555772 9748937723 MEDIA RELEASE CenturyPly zeigt die Stärke von Sainik Plywood durch neue Kampagne: Century Plyboards (Indien) Ltd., die bereits einen Premium-Ruf als Konsumentenmarke genießt, versucht, eine Sub - Marke, SAINIK PLYWOOD zum ersten Mal auf dem Markt, durch ein TVC. Dieser TVC ist geplant, um den Geist der Endverbraucher zu erfassen und auch sein Image unter den Beeinflussern (Schreiner, Auftragnehmer, Einzelhändler) zu stärken. SAINIK PLYWOOD ist ein hartes Produkt, das den Geist des Soldaten verkörpert, der für jede Härte bereit ist. Es ist also auf dem Geist eines Sainik gebaut, der Hamesha Taiyaar immer bereit ist für irgendeine Eventualität oder Härte, die seinen Weg kommt. SAINIK PLYWOOD genießt einen starken Stand im Wirtschaftssegment und wird voraussichtlich mit dieser Kampagne ein Buzz schaffen. SAINIK PLYWOOD ist über Märkte in Indien mit einem Preisschild erhältlich, das hervorragend wettbewerbsfähig ist. Es ist in der Tat der wirtschaftlichste Kauf in der Kategorie für die Verbraucher. SAINIK PLYWOOD ist termite amp borer resistent, allwetterbeständig und kochend wasserdicht. Es hat auch die Fähigkeit, schweren Lasten zu widerstehen. Außerdem ist es eines der stabilsten Sperrholz in seinem Segment, weil es Hartholz als Kern hat. Die primäre Idee hinter dem Aufkommen mit einem kommerziellen dieser Skala ist es, eine überlebensgroße Wirkung des Produktes in den Konsumenten Köpfen zu schaffen: kommen, was kann, kann unser Held SAINIK PLYWOOD den härtesten Bedingungen standhalten. Daher ist die Geschichte in einem Wald gesetzt, wo Soldaten im Kampf gegen Land und Wasser unter den schwierigsten Umständen verlobt sind. Die SAINIK PLYWOOD-Box, die sie tragen, zeugt von dem unerschrockenen Geist der Soldaten, und trotz der Kräfte der Natur und der Schwierigkeiten, die durch die Menschen verursacht werden, geht es durch die Tortur mit den Eingeweiden, die nur ein wahres SAINIK PLYWOOD verkörpert. Wie bei Navarun Sen, Executive Business Head, Sperrholz - Century Plyboards (Indien) Ltd Sie sind sich bewusst, dass CenturyPly natürlich sehr gut gemacht hat. Wir sind dort im Premiumsegment. Das ist die primäre Marke. Doch ein paar Jahre zurück starteten wir SAINIK PLYWOOD, um das Wertsegment zu adressieren. Ich freue mich sehr, dass wir heute schon in der Skala in der Tat fast ein 200CR heute, dass wir in der Lage, es auf die Luft als SAINIK PLYWOOD TVC zum ersten Mal. Wir hoffen wirklich, dieses Wertsegment zu fahren und SAINIK PLYWOOD eine weitere große Marke von CenturyPly zu machen. Dies ist ein weiterer erster Versuch von CenturyPly, wo wir versuchen, eine Sub-Marke auf unserer Reise für die Schaffung einer Ware in eine Consumer-Marke zu schaffen. SAINIK PLYWOOD kommt in der Hierarchie unserer Produkte niedriger, ist aber eines der aufregendsten Produkte für unsere Kunden. Was wir aus dieser Kampagne herausbringen wollen, basiert auf einem Geist der Sainik in Bezug auf Integrität, Engagement, Stärke etc. und das steht auch für Century Plywood. Ein weiteres Angebot von CenturyPly in Bezug auf die Schaffung guter Werbung und liefert gute Produkt auf den Markt Platz, sagt Amit Gope, Group Marketing Head - Century Plyboards (Indien) Ltd SAINIK PLYWOOD aus Century Plywood arbeitet an der Masse beliebten Ende der Sperrholz-Bereich. Es richtet sich an einen preissensiblen Käufer, für den Haltbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit wichtige Tugenden im Sperrholz sind, die sie in ihren Häusern verwenden möchten. Wir haben uns entschlossen, diese Attribute in der Kommunikation für die Marke zu nutzen. Wie jeder Sainik auf dem Schlachtfeld, ist dieses Sperrholz bereit, jede Herausforderung anzunehmen, die darauf geworfen wird. Die neue Kommunikation steigert die Zuverlässigkeit der Marke und stärkt die Marken-Anmeldeinformationen im Kampfsport, sagt Rajiv Sabnis, Geschäftsführer DDB Mudra Group amp Präsident DDB Mudra West. Der Name SAINIK PLYWOOD hält an sich so viele Tugenden. Stark, standhaft, widerstandsfähig. Was fasst zusammen, was wir über unser Sperrholz auch sagen wollten. Und von hier aus schrieb sich die Geschichte praktisch. Das war dann wunderschön von Anupam Mishra gefangen genommen, wie bei Rahul Mathew, Creative Head DDB Mudra West. Rajendra Shah, General Marketing Manager, Century Plyboards (Indien) Ltd sagt, SAINIK PLYWOOD ist borer amp termite resistent. Feuchtigkeitsbeständig und witterungsbeständig Es kommt auch in kochende wasserdichte Variante. Es hat auch die Fähigkeit, schwere Lasten zu tragen. Darüber hinaus ist es das stabilste Sperrholz in diesem Segment aufgrund von Hartholzgehalt. Dieser TVC ist ein kreativer Versuch, all diese Features in einer interessanten Art und Weise zu demonstrieren. CenturyPly Creative Agentur. DDB Mudra West Vorsitzender und Chief Creative Officer. Sonal Dabral Kreativ. Rahul Mathew, Sharat Kuttikat, Jayesh Vaghela, Account Management. Ronak Shah, Vikrant Jain Kontoplanung. Amit Kekre, Shekhar Panday Films dept. Vishal Sane Produktionshaus. Crazy Few Films Direktor. Anupam Mishra Produzenten. Urfi Kazmi Viraj Gawas Musikdirektorin. Subhajit Mukherjee MEDIA RELEASE Century Ply Augen FY15 Wachstum bei 25, um die Industrie zu überschreiten avg: Sanjay Agarwal, CEO amp MD, Century Ply glaubt, dass der Plyboards-Markt mit 15-18 Prozent wächst. Allerdings hofft er, den Branchendurchschnitt zu übertreffen, indem er ein Umsatzwachstum von 25 Prozent für 15 Mrd. MEDIA RELEASE CENTURYPLY KHUSHIYON KA RANGMANCH: CenturyPly ist der größte Verkäufer von Mehrzweck-Sperrholz, Laminaten und dekorativen Furnieren im indischen organisierten Sperrholzmarkt. Ein vertrauenswürdiger Name für die letzten 27 Jahre hat das Unternehmen eine Nische für sich geschaffen und ist Marktführer in diesem Bereich. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. (CPIL) produziert heute eine ganze Palette von kommerziellen, marinen, Schalung und dekorativen Sperrholz. Weitere Produkte sind Laminate, Veneers, MDF, PRELAM, FACEVENEERS, Exteria Außenlaminate, Nesta Furniture amp Modular Kitchens. In den vergangenen 6 Jahren war das Marken-Kern-Angebot die strukturelle Stärke mit TV-Kampagnen, die den Kern der funktionalen Vorteile der Stärke und der Haltbarkeit von CenturyPly-Produkten hervorheben. Dies wurde durch die Marken Tagline gebracht: Sab Sahe, Mast Rahe. Im Jahr 2014 gab es zwei klare Herausforderungen vor dem Unternehmen. Einer, in einer beeinflussengetriebenen Kategorie, in der der Verbraucher minimales Interesse hat und in dem Endprodukt sagt, das gekauft wird, musste die Marke Affinität schaffen und damit die Vorliebe für sich selbst. Zwei, während die Marken strukturelle Stärke Erzählung funktionierte gut, war es nicht relevant für ihre anderen Produkte wie Laminate und Veneers, die mehr durch ihre Ästhetik getrieben werden. Um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, nahm die Agentur zusammen mit dem Kunden an einer umfangreichen Übung teil, um die Rolle des Unternehmens, seine Produkte und wie sie einen Unterschied im Leben der Menschen zu machen. Das Ergebnis dieser Übung war eine Umstrukturierung der Markenarchitektur und damit eine neue Markenphilosophie. Es war Zeit, sich von der Produktattribut-getriebenen Kommunikation zu entfernen, die typisch für die Produktkategorie ist, und stattdessen einen emotionalen Weg zu nehmen. Idee: Khushiyon Ka Rangmanch CenturyPly ist nicht nur die Schaffung von Rohstoffen, sondern ist im Geschäft der Schaffung von Räumen und Heimatlösungen durch seine Produkte Sperrholz, Laminate und Veneers - Oberflächen, die Zeuge der alltäglichen Momente der Freude und Glück sind. Wir erinnern uns an die Witze, die Lachen und den Gesang, neigen aber dazu, die Oberflächen, die diese Momente der Zweisamkeit ermöglichten, Wir wollen die Menschen daran erinnern, dass diese Flächen die Menschen zusammenbringen. Sie sind die Bühne, wo Lifes glückliche Momente spielen. Und damit die Grundlinie: Khushiyon ka Rangmanch. Herr Amit Gope Head, Marketing, CenturyPly sagt, dass wir dieses Konzept als äußerst stark, einzigartig und mit einem Potenzial für eine lange Zeit relevant halten. Mehr als das war es, was unsere Ziele in bestmöglicher Weise erfüllt hat. Sonal Dabral Chairman amp Chief Creative Officer, DDB Mudra Group sagt, Devoid von irgendwelchen scharfen Ideen, die Sperrholz-Werbelandschaft war unscharf, um das Geringste zu sagen. Wir beschlossen, dass es Zeit für eine angesehene Marke wie CenturyPly war, um wie ein Führer zu sprechen und die Kategorie auf die nächste Stufe zu heben. Nana Patekars Brillanz braucht keine Erwähnung. Wir hatten Glück, dass er einverstanden war, ein Teil dieses Projektes zu sein. Im gewissen wird das Publikum ihn als die Stimme unseres Gewissens lieben, die uns dazu bringt, uns unsere Möbel, die wir jeden Tag für selbstverständlich halten, neu zu sehen. Rajiv Sabnis - Präsident, DDB Mudra West sagt, Khusiyon ka Rangmanch ist eine Idee, die ein Leben nehmen, von der Sicht der Möbel. Wenn alle unbelebten Gegenstände ein eigenes Leben hatten und die Welt um sie herum sehen konnten, dann sahen sie sich im Zentrum eines Familienlebens. Dann konnten die Möbel die Freuden, die Bindung, die Feier, den Erfolg, die Romantik, die Liebe, den Klatsch und viele andere Emotionen sehen, die eine Familie im Laufe ihres Lebens durchmacht. Möbel ist ein stummer Zuschauer heute, aber wenn es Emotionen hatte, würde es glauben, dass die Familie zusammen kommt um die verschiedenen Möbelstücke, die ein Haus machen. Nana Patekar verkörpert das Gewissen der Möbel, die eine Plattform für Emotionen zum Ausspielen bietet. Diese Kampagne ist eine Hommage an Möbel, daher Century Ply, und die zentrale Bühne Rolle spielt es in bringen und halten Familien zusammen. Shagun Seda Creative Director, DDB Mudra West sagt, Der Esstisch, das Sofa, das Bett etc. sind die Hangout-Zonen oder Addas in einem Haus, in dem Familien zusammen kommen. Mit dieser Kampagne wollen wir diese oft ignorierten Flächen in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Eine Botschaft, die das Risiko klingt zu preachy, wenn nicht überzeugend geliefert. Also gingen wir zu der einen Stimme und dem Gesicht, dass jeder sich hinsetzen und Notiz von Herrn Nana Patekar nehmen würde. Satyajeet Kadam Creative Director, DDB Mudra West sagt, Sie werden sehen, Nana Patekar, der Thespian in seiner Signatur Form hier. Wir haben Nana Patekar immer mit dem Mann verbunden, der für eine Sache aufstand. Sei es durch seine Filme oder seine Arbeit im öffentlichen Leben. In dieser Kampagne spielt er nicht den berühmten Markenbotschafter. Ist er Mitglied der Familie Ist er ein Gast Wir erklären niemals. Die Kampagne ist eine Multimedia-Kampagne im Fernsehen, Print, Outdoor, Digital und Boden. Es geht in dieser Woche auf Luft. Vorsitzender und Chief Creative Officer: Sonal Dabral Büroleiter: Rajiv Sabnis Creative Head - West: Rahul Mathew Nationaler Planungsleiter: Amit Kekre Creative Team. Satyajeet Kadam, Shagun Seda, Amit Parekh, Ghanshyam Jadav Account Management Team. Shekhar Pandey, Ronak Shah, Vikrant Jain, Arnab Dasgupta, Account Planung: Shekhar Pandey, Aunkita Dey, Vinayak Dubey Films Dept. Vishal Sane Produktionshaus. Ramesh Deo Productions Direktor. Abhinay Deo Produzent. Apurba Sengupta Century Plyboards (I) Ltd erklärt das Jahresergebnis: Mehr als 17 Umsatzsteigerung Kolkata, 1. Juli 2009 Century Plyboards (I) Limited, die führende Sperrholz - und Furnierproduktionsfirma in Indien, verzeichneten einen bemerkenswerten Anstieg des Brutto Umsatz, trotz der vorherrschenden Marktbedingungen auf der ganzen Welt. Die geprüften Finanzergebnisse des Unternehmens wurden heute für das Geschäftsjahr 2008 - 09 bekannt gegeben. Der Bruttoumsatz des Unternehmens ist auf eine Rs. 1176.27 crores, markiert eine Erhöhung von über 17 von Rs. 1001.45 crores im Geschäftsjahr 2007 - 08. In diesem Jahr ist der von der Gesellschaft erzielte Reingewinn Rs. 57.20 crores Das Unternehmen hat vor kurzem durch den rigorosen Prozess der Neupositionierung der Marke Century Ply gegangen. Die Marke Century ply repräsentiert das Lifestyle-Segment und brechen vom Konzept der Nutzprodukte ab. Die Produktkategorie der dekorativen Furniere und Laminate werden Lifestyle-Aussagen und der Endverbraucher kann die Marke tragen. Um diese Kategorie zu beherrschen und eine Nische für sich selbst zu schaffen, war die traditionelle Art der Werbung oder die Herstellung von Vereinigungen rund um die Marke der Weg nach vorn und Century Ply wählte die glamouröse Unterhaltungsindustrie von Bollywood, um diese Assoziationen zu schaffen. Der erste Schritt war die Assoziation mit SRk und seinem Film Billu und dem gleichen Weg der nächste Schritt war die Assoziation mit AR Rahman und seinem Lied Jai Ho. In den Kommentaren zu den Ergebnissen, sagte Herr Sajjan Bhajanka, Geschäftsführer CPIL, dass die globale Rezession Indien getroffen hat und alle Branchen die Flocke genommen haben. Obwohl unser Umsatz merklich angestiegen ist und dies wegen der erhöhten Transparenz und der besseren Versorgung der Produkte ist, hat der Export einen Treffer getroffen. Die internationalen Marktbedingungen und die Preise der Forex ist der Grund dafür, aber die Zukunft sieht günstig aus. Herr Bhajanka informierte, dass die Expansionspläne auf dem richtigen Weg sind. Er sagte, dass der erste CFS die Operationen rechtzeitig aufgenommen hat und der zweite wird bald in Betrieb gehen. Hier wurden bereits 80.000 qm Grundstück erworben. Die Arbeit verläuft sehr schnell, um die Frist einzuhalten. Die Sperrholzfabrik in Guwahati hat auch rechtzeitig mit der Produktion begonnen. Die großen Expansionspläne für Sternzement haben bereits begonnen, die Kapazität von 1 Million Tönen auf 4 Millionen Töne pro Jahr zu erhöhen. Die Investition dafür liegt bei Rs. 1100 crores, von denen rund 360 crores aus internen periodenabgrenzung und der rest wird von den finanzinstituten finanziert werden. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, die erste ISO 9002 Company in Indien für Sperrholz und Furnier, begann seine Tätigkeit im Jahr 1986. In einer sehr kurzen Spanne hat es eine Nische für sich selbst geschaffen und ist der Marktführer in diesem Bereich. CPIL hat seine Produktionsstätte in Bishnupur bei Joka mit der Weltklasse-Technologie ausgestattet. CPIL produziert heute die gesamte Palette von kommerziellen, marinen, Beton-, Schal - und dekorativen Sperrholz. CPIL hat auch die Hi-Druck-Laminate, Pre-Laminated Particle Board und MDF in seiner Produktpalette. MEDIA RELEASE Neue verbesserte Centuryply PF, verpackt mit höchster Leimscherfestigkeit: Neue verbesserte Century Ply PF, verpackt mit höchster Leimscherfestigkeit fügt mehr Wert für Geld hinzu: Super Strength, Maximum Endurance Century ply startet das neue Century Ply PF, das am höchsten hat Kleber Scherfestigkeit (145) unter allen auf dem Markt vorhanden Das neue Plyboard, wenn es verwendet wird, erhöht die Haltbarkeit und Langlebigkeit aller Lebensstil und Heimatprodukte, die den Endbenutzern mehr Wert für Geld geben Kolkata, 22. Juli 2009: Century Plyboards (I ) Limited, der Marktführer in der Sperrholzindustrie, ist alles, um das Konzept von dcor im Bau durch den Start des Century Ply PF (BWR) mit GSS 145 zu verbessern. Das Century Ply PF (BWR) mit GSS 145 ist ein weiteres einzigartiges Produkt Von der Rs 1200 crore plus Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. Dieses Sperrholz ist mit der höchsten verfügbaren Leimscherfestigkeit (GSS) von 145 verpackt, was bedeutet, dass es 145 Kilogramm Stress oder Druck standhalten kann, wodurch die Langlebigkeit und Haltbarkeit aller produzierten Produkte erhöht wird davon. Das GSS dieses Produktes ist 65 höher als jedes andere Plyboard, das auf dem Markt vorhanden ist. Diese Aufstockung im Produkt wurde durch das hauseigene RampD-Team von Century Plyboards durch die Doppelpresstechnik entwickelt, die die gleichmäßige Verbreitung von Leim und Feuchtigkeit zwischen den beiden Schichten ermöglicht und dadurch ihre Scherung und Stärke erhöht. Die Leimqualität ist mit den patentierten Glue Line Protection (GLP) Formeln von Centurys bereichert, um die beste Verbindung für den Kern und das Gesichtsfurnier zu bieten. Die überlegene Qualität und die Reife des Holzes ist auch ein wichtiger Faktor für die Entwicklung eines höheren GSS. Die Verwendung der besten der Klasse Holz, Stand der Technik Herstellungsprozess und die einzigartige Rosinen-Technologie hat in diesem improvisierten Produkt geführt. Sprechen über die neue Century Ply PF (BWR) GSS 145, Herr Sanjay Agarwal, Jt MD, Jahrhundert Ply sagte Die neue Century Ply PF (BWR) GSS 145 ist die beste im Land in der Sperrholz-Segment. Es wird geschätzt, dass der Wohnkulturmarkt in Indien mit 35 Prozent jährlich für die letzten fünf Jahre wächst. Mit den indischen Verbrauchern wachsende Begeisterung für besseres Haus dcor, Produkte wie unsere wird ein langer Weg in die Schaffung der richtigen Verschmelzung zwischen Substanz und Stil gehen. Es gibt unseren Kunden das ultimative Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, das sie verbringen, um ihre Häuser und Büros zu schmücken. Century Plyboards sind der Pionier bei der Einführung zum ersten Mal Produkte wie Flexoply, wasserdichte dekorative Veneers, Papier Laminated Sperrholz und Furnier-Partikel-Board. Es war auch maßgeblich dazu bei der erstmaligen Einführung des Kleber-Leitungs-Schutzholzes (GLP), eines 100 Termiten - und Bohrer-Proof-Produkts. Über Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd Hersteller von der bekannten Century Ply Marke von Sperrholz und dekorative Furniere, wurde 1986 in Kolkata, eine gemeinsame Anstrengung von Herrn Sajjan Bhajanka und Herr Sanjay gegründet Agarwal Der größte Verkäufer von Sperrholz und dekorative Furniere in der indischen organisierten Sperrholz-Markt, Century Ply heute ist die führende Marke und in seiner kurzen Dauer der Existenz hat eine spezielle Nische für sich in der Branche erstellt. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd glaubt, zuerst in was auch immer es tut. Es war die erste, die neue Arten von Sperrholz, dekorative Furniere und Laminate zu starten. Es war auch das erste Unternehmen, das mit dem Shahrukh Khan-Starrer Biloo zusammenarbeitete und dann mit dem Oscar-Titeltrack von Slumdog Millionaire, Jai Ho, zusammenarbeitete. Keine andere Sperrholzmarke hat jemals Assoziationen mit Bollywood sowie Hollywood für die Förderung ihrer Marken gesehen. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. hat auch die Auszeichnung, die erste ISO 9002 Firma in Indien für Furnier und Sperrholz zu werden. Es ist vor kurzem zu CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) und Indian Green Business Council als Gründer Mitglied, um die grüne Gebäude Bewegung in Indien zu fördern - wieder die erste Sperrholz-Unternehmen zu tun. Neben diesem Jahrhundert hat sich der Pionier in zahlreichen Wegen erwiesen. Im Jahr 1997 war CPIL der erste, der das Bohrer-Beweis-Sperrholz in Indien einführte. Im Laufe der Jahre Jahrhundert ply hat die kochende wasserdicht dekorative Furnier eingeführt, sieben Jahre Pulver Beweis garantiert PF Sperrholz, die revolutionäre nicht auslaugbare Firesafe Sperrholz. Das Jahr 2002 brachte einen weiteren Lorbeer zum Century Ply, als Flexoply die einzige flexible Sperrholzvielfalt eingeführt wurde. Später wurden Architekt Ply und die Fantasy-Reihe von dekorativen Furnier in Indien eingeführt. Im Jahr 2004 begann die Laminatanlage von Century lly. Die beste Qualität Laminate Century Ply Mica begann Rolling-out und war ein sofortiger Hit auf dem Markt aufgrund seiner Qualität und die Marke Eigenkapital der Century Ply. Jahrhundert ply. Nach seiner Gründung im Jahr 1986, sah nie zurück und hat heute einen Namen geschaffen, der Qualität und Rückkehr wert jeden Cent, der vom Kunden ausgegeben wird. Century Ply hat im Laufe der Jahre eine konsequente Wachstumsrate beibehalten. Century Ply wurde die schnellste wachsende Firma mit dem höchsten Umsatz von der berühmten Journal Construction World in fünf aufeinander folgenden Jahren beurteilt worden. Das Zentrum für die Überwachung der indischen Wirtschaft (CMIE) hat auch Century die Spitzenposition in ihren Umfragen gegeben. MEDIA RELEASE Century Plyboards (I) Ltd erklärt Ergebnisse für das 1. Quartal: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd erklärt Ergebnisse für das 1. Quartal Nettogewinn steigt um 40 Kolkata, 28. Juli 2009 Century Plyboards (I) Limited, das Top Sperrholz und Furnier Produzierenden Unternehmen in Indien, gab heute bekannt, das erste Quartal Ergebnis für das Geschäftsjahr 2009 10 in der Vorstandssitzung am 27. Juli 2009. Die konsolidierten (einschließlich der Tochtergesellschaften der Gesellschaft) Nettogewinn des Unternehmens, nach Minderheitsanteilen, ist Rs. 42.89 crores gegen Rs.30.84 crores für das entsprechende Quartal im Vorjahr und Rs.57.20 crores für das gesamte Geschäftsjahr (2008-09). Das konsolidierte EPS (auf Rs. 1 Aktie) für das Quartal hat sich auf Rs.1 erhöht. 93 gegen Rs.1.39 für das entsprechende Quartal des Vorjahres und Rs.2.57 für das letzte Geschäftsjahr. Der Stand allein, Nettogewinn des Unternehmens ist Rs.18.62 crores gegen Rs.22.27 crores für das entsprechende Quartal des Vorjahres und Rs.11.11 crores für das gesamte vorangegangene Geschäftsjahr (2008-09). Der Stand Alleine EPS (auf Rs. 1 Aktie) für das Quartal beträgt Rs.0.84 gegenüber Rs.1.00 für das entsprechende Quartal des Vorjahres und Rs.0.50 für das gesamte Vorjahresjahr. Die gesteigerte Profitabilität ist vor allem auf den Gewinnverlust und die verbesserte Gewinnspanne in den Unternehmen fast alle Segmente und die sinkende Performance des Cement-Segments zurückzuführen. Die Companys neu eingerichtet Container Freight Station bei Sonai unter Kalkutta Port Trust erreicht breakeven während des Quartals und wird erwartet, dass erheblich während der laufenden fiskalischen beitragen. Unternehmen ein weiterer CFS in Jinjirapool auch unter Kalkutta Port Trust befindet sich im Bau und wird voraussichtlich im laufenden Geschäftsjahr in Betrieb gehen. Die oben genannten CFS-Ventures sind die modernsten, State of the Art, mit internationalen Standard-Einrichtungen ausgestattet und ist die erste private Sektor CFS Venture in der östlichen Region. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, die erste ISO 9002 Company in Indien für Sperrholz und Furnier, begann seine Tätigkeit im Jahr 1986. In einer sehr kurzen Spanne hat es eine Nische für sich selbst geschaffen und ist der Marktführer in diesem Bereich. Century hat seine Produktionsstätte in Bishnupur bei Joka mit der Weltklasse-Technologie ausgestattet. Century heute fertigt die gesamte Palette von kommerziellen, marine, Beton, Schalung und dekorative Sperrholz. Century hat auch vor kurzem die Hi Pressure Laminates, Pre-Laminated Particle Board und MDF zu seiner Produktpalette hinzugefügt. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd deklariert Ergebnisse für das 2. Quartal Nettogewinn steigt um 32 Kolkata, 21. Oktober 2009 Century Plyboards (I) Limited, die Top-Sperrholz-und Furnier-Produktions-Unternehmen in Indien, gab heute bekannt, das zweite Quartal Ergebnis für das Geschäftsjahr 2009 10 in der Vorstandssitzung heute, 21. Oktober 2009, erzielte ein phänomenales Wachstum von 177,78 im Nettogewinn, Rs. 21.75 crores im Vergleich zu Rs. 7.83 crores verdient im 2. Quartal des Geschäftsjahres2008 - 09. Der Umsatz des Unternehmens hat eine Zahl von Rs erreicht. 197.11 und für die ersten sechs Monate hat der Bruttoumsatz eine Reihe von Rs erzielt. 368. 15 crores Der Stand Alleine EPS (auf Rs. 1- Anteil) für das Quartal ist Rs.0. 98 gegenüber Rs.35 für das entsprechende Quartal des Vorjahres mit einem Wachstum von 180. Das EPS steht bei Rs. 1,82 für das erste Halbjahr des Geschäftsjahres 2009 10. Die konsolidierten (einschließlich der Tochtergesellschaften der Gesellschaft) Nettogewinn des Unternehmens, nach Minderheitsanteilen, ist Rs. 31.51 crores gegen rs. 23,87 crores für das entsprechende Quartal im Vorjahr und Rs. 74.40 crores für das halbe jahr dieses geschäftsjahres (2009- 10). Die konsolidierte EPS (auf Rs. 1 Aktie) für das Quartal hat sich auf Rs.1 erhöht. 42 gegen Rs.1.07 für das entsprechende Quartal des Vorjahres, ein Wachstum von 32,71. Die konsolidierte Turn Over of the Company hat ein Wachstum von 6,37, ein Anstieg von Rs. 306.10 crores zu Rs. 325.60 crores During last financial year of global meltdown companys profitability was under severe pressure due to exceptional losses arising out of foreign exchange losses and lowered profit margins. Due to such pressure on profitability, the company paid 25 dividend for the financial year 2008-09. However as company is now back to normal situation with improved profit margins and foreign exchange gains, the board decided to pay 75 interim dividend for the financial year 2009-10. Companys newly set up container freight station has started to contribute to revenue and profitability of the company. With prevailing congestion at Kolkata Port, this division of the company is expected to perform well. The company is developing around 1 lac meter area near Kolkata Port Trust as regions first private owned container freight stations. Out of such 1 lac meter around 20000 sqmeter has already commenced operations and balance is expected to be operational within current financial year. The total capital outlay on this project is Rs. 100 crore approx. Expansion plans to increase cement capacity (operated by companys subsidiaries) from 1 million ton to 4 million ton are under active progress. All such capacities will have matching captive power capacities. The company had tied up all its financial requirements and projects are on implementation stage. The total capital outlay on these projects is Rs. 1400 crores. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, the first ISO 9002 Company in India for plywood and veneer, started its operations in 1986. In a very short span, it has created a niche for itself and is the market leader in this sector. Century has its manufacturing unit at Bishnupur near Joka equipped with the world-class technology. Century today manufactures the entire range of commercial, marine, concrete, shuttering and decorative plywood. Century has also very recently added the Hi Pressure Laminates, Pre - Laminated Particle Board and MDF to its product range. MEDIA RELEASE Centuryply and My Name is Khan an unbeatable combination: Kolkata January 15th, 2010. The undisputed leader of the plywood industry strikes back again in the dawn of New Year 2010. Century ply. today announced its association with Dharma Production and Red Chillies for their forth coming blockbuster My Name Is Khan. This is a come back movie of the heartthrob couple Kajol amp SRK and is a Holly Bolly release scheduled for Feb 12th. Rizvan Khan, a Muslim man from India, moves to San Francisco and lives with his brother and sister-in-law. Rizvan, who has Aspergers, falls in love with Mandira. Despite protests from his family they get married and start a small business together. They are happy until September 11, 2001 when attitudes towards Muslims undergo a sea-change. When tragedy strikes, Mandira is devastated and they split. Rizvan is confused and very upset that the love of his life has left him. To win her back, he embarks on a touching and inspiring journey across America. Much like the essence of the brand Century ply Sab Sahe, Mast Rahe. Commenting on this association Mr. Abhra Banerjee, VP Marketing of Century ply said, The undying spirit of Mr. Khan in this movie is what appeals the most and has a strong resemblance with our brand Century ply. The brand Century ply demonstrates the statement, Never Say Die, in its mannerism and this is the spirit that the team lives by. This is the second time that we are associating with SRK and hope to keep this association in future as well. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. makers of the well-known Century ply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1986 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Century ply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd believes in being first in whatever it does. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. has the distinction of becoming the first ISO 9002 company in India for Veneer and Plywood. It has recently joined CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) and Indian Green Business Council as a founder member to promote the green building movement in India-again the first plywood company to do so. Beside this Century ply has proved to be the pioneer in number of ways. In 1997, CPIL was the first to introduce the borer proof plywood in India. Over the years Century ply has introduced the boiling water resistant decorative veneer, seven-year powder proof guaranteed PF plywood, the revolutionary non leachable Firesafe plywood. The year 2002 brought another laurel to Century ply when Flexoply, the only flexible plywood variety was introduced. Later, Architect Ply and the Fantasy range of decorative veneer were introduced in India. In the year 2004, Century ply s laminate plant started operation. The best quality laminates CenturyLaminates started rolling out and was an instant hit in the market due to its quality and the brand equity of Century ply . Century ply. after its inception in 1986, never looked back and has created a name today, which ensures quality and return worth every penny spent by the customer. Century ply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate. Century ply has been adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World in five consecutive years. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) and Economic Times has also given Century ply the top position in its surveys and listings. About Fox STAR Studios: Fox STAR Studios is a joint venture between Twentieth Century Fox, one of the worlds largest producers and distributors of motion pictures and STAR, Asias leading media company to produce world-class local-language films in Asia for worldwide distribution. The joint venture is making its first foray in India and will soon expand into other markets including Greater China and South East Asia. About My Name is KHAN My Name is Khan is the triumphant story of an unconventional hero overcoming obstacles to regain the love of his life. Rizvan Khan, a Muslim man from India, moves to San Francisco and lives with his brother and sister-in-law. Rizvan, who has Aspergers, falls in love with Mandira. Despite protests from his family they get married and start a small business together. They are happy until September 11, 2001 when attitudes towards Muslims undergo a sea-change. When tragedy strikes, Mandira is devastated and they split. Rizvan is confused and very upset that the love of his life has left him. To win her back, he embarks on a touching and inspiring journey across America. MEDIA RELEASE Centuryply, the king of Plywood industry My Name is Khan: The leaders with the Strength to go on: Mumbai, January 28th, 2010. Century ply. the king of the plywood industry, today, in a Meet amp Greet programme with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, revealed the secret of being the undisputed leader for the last two decades, the strength to go on. Century ply has time and again proved that whatever may come, the eyes are always fixed on the target and nothing can dither the team from achieving the Goal. With a 98 Brand recall, Century ply has set standards, starting from product innovations to marketing initiatives. Century ply has repositioned the brand in the Lifestyle segment, breaking away from the common perception of utility products. Century Ply chose the glamorous entertainment industry of Bollywood to create that niche in the Lifestyle segment. Century Ply is enamoured with the charisma of SRK and have partnered with a SRK movie earlier. Therefore taking the same trend ahead, they have partnered with the biggest film of 2010 My Name Is Khan My Name Is Khan, is a movie wherein the protagonist goes through various ordeals in life to achieve the unattainable. Rizvan Khan, a Muslim man from India, moves to San Francisco and lives with his brother and sister-in-law. Rizvan, who has Aspergers, falls in love with Mandira. After September 11, 2001, Mandira is devastated and they split. To win her back, he embarks on a touching and inspiring journey across America. Rizwan Khans strength to go on through every upheaval exhibits the spirit that resembles the making of Century ply. the leader. Addressing the media, Mr. Sanjay Agarwal, Jt. MD, Century ply. said, The spirit of Rizwan Khan in this movie has strengthened our faith, that if you are true towards your goal, nothing can stop you from achieving it. Everything else becomes meaningless as long as the fortitude is to reach the destination. The same attitude has brought us to the pinnacle and has kept us there. Commenting on this association Mr. Abhra Banerjee, VP Marketing of Century ply said, The undying spirit of Mr. Khan in this movie is what appeals the most and has a strong resemblance with our brand Century ply. The brand Century ply demonstrates the statement, Never Say Die, in its mannerism and this is the spirit that the team lives by. This is the second time that we are associating with SRK and hope to keep this association in future as well. Vivek Krishnani, Head of Distribution, Marketing and Syndication FOX STAR STUDIOS says, We are happy to partner with Century Ply for our film MY NAME IS KHAN. We value such symbiotic partnerships that help the brand and promote the film at the same time. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. makers of the well-known Century ply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1986 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Century ply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd believes in being first in whatever it does. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. has the distinction of becoming the first ISO 9002 company in India for Veneer and Plywood. It has recently joined CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) and Indian Green Business Council as a founder member to promote the green building movement in India-again the first plywood company to do so. Beside this Century ply has proved to be the pioneer in number of ways. In 1997, CPIL was the first to introduce the borer proof plywood in India. Over the years Century ply has introduced the boiling water resistant decorative veneer, seven-year powder proof guaranteed PF plywood, the revolutionary non leachable Firesafe plywood. The year 2002 brought another laurel to Century ply when Flexoply, the only flexible plywood variety was introduced. Later, Architect Ply and the Fantasy range of decorative veneer were introduced in India. In the year 2004, Century ply s laminate plant started operation. The best quality laminates CenturyLaminates started rolling out and was an instant hit in the market due to its quality and the brand equity of Century ply . Century ply. after its inception in 1986, never looked back and has created a name today, which ensures quality and return worth every penny spent by the customer. Century ply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate. Century ply has been adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World in six consecutive years. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) and Economic Times has also given Century ply the top position in its surveys and listings. About Fox STAR Studios: Fox STAR Studios is a joint venture between Twentieth Century Fox, one of the worlds largest producers and distributors of motion pictures and STAR, Asias leading media company to produce world-class local-language films in Asia for worldwide distribution. The joint venture is making its first foray in India and will soon expand into other markets including Greater China and South East Asia. About Dharma Productions Pvt Ltd: Dharma Productions is a Production house synonymous with movies with a heart and has a little for every generation. Started by Late Yash Johar, Karan has taken the mantle and broken and re created many records ever since. My Name is Khan is Karans 4th film as a Director and brings with it a sense of maturity in way of story narrative and treatment. Its been a very exciting process to co produce My Name Is Khan, with Red Chillies Entertainment as both the companies hare similar synergies. About Red Chillies: Red Chillies Entertainments, headed by Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan is a company that is surging ahead in the global entertainment industry. Founded in 2002 as a film production house, Red Chillies Entertainments has branched itself into other spheres of production, starting from setting up a path breaking Special Effects studio, VFX, which brought Hollywoods slick sophistication to Indian cinema. My Name is Khan is a joint venture between Dharma production and Red Chillies Entertainments . It is an exceptional love story. About My Name is KHAN My Name is Khan is the triumphant story of an unconventional hero overcoming obstacles to regain the love of his life. Rizvan Khan, a Muslim man from India, moves to San Francisco and lives with his brother and sister-in-law. Rizvan, who has Aspergers, falls in love with Mandira. Despite protests from his family they get married and start a small business together. They are happy until tragedy strikes when attitudes towards Muslims undergo a sea-change. When tragedy strikes, Mandira is devastated and they split. Rizvan is confused and very upset that the love of his life has left him. To win her back, he embarks on a touching and inspiring journey across America. Kolkata, October 29th, 2010, Century Plyboards (I) Limited, the top plywood and veneer manufacturing company in India, today announced the second quarter result for the financial year 2010 11 in the Board meeting held today. The consolidated Turnover of the company for the 2nd quarter has reached a figure of Rs. 392.60 crores marking an increase of more than 20.58. The Turnover for the same quarter in the last financial year was Rs. 325.60 crores. The half yearly turnover of the company has increased to Rs. 750.99 crores, an increase of 19.97. The consolidated (including subsidiaries of the Company) net profit of the company, after minority interest, is Rs. 52.75 crores in the second quarter of 2010 - 2011. The consolidated EPS (on Rs. 1- share) for the quarter stands at Rs. 1.89 against Rs.1.42 for the corresponding quarter in the previous year. The standalone Turn over of the Company for the 2nd quarter has noted a growth of 39.50, an increase from Rs. 194.70 crores to Rs. 271.61 crores . The standalone net profit has registered an amount of Rs. 21.93 crores after Tax. The standalone half yearly turnover of the company has increased to Rs. 505.13 crores, an increase of 38.11. The Standalone EPS (on Rs. 1- share) for the quarter stands at Rs.0.99 The standalone net Profit of the company is Rs. 21.93 crore against Rs. 24.41 crore in the same quarter in last financial year. The net profit of the company for the same quarter in the last year included Rs 16.25 crore . dividend received from companys cement subsidiary . There is no earning from the dividend in the current quarter. On elimination of this dividend factor the operational net profit of the company is Rs. 21.93 crore against Rs. 5.68 crore during the same quarter in last financial year. The increase in operational profit is due to increase in turnover and improved profitability in all business segments. The Expansion plans to increase cement capacity (operated by companys subsidiaries) from 1.2 million ton to 4.4 million ton are under active progress and the timelines are intact. The grinding unit at Guwahati and the plant at Kahalgaon will be operational by end of the year 2011, as per schedule. Century ply has been recognized as a Power Brand and is now occupying the platform with iconic brands of Unilever, Nestle, Dabur etc. Century ply was selected as one of the Nations top 200 Power Brands through a nationwide research conducted by ICMR in 23 cities of India . The brand has also been rated amongst the Top 100 most Valuable brands of India. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, the first ISO 9002 Company in India for plywood and veneer, started its operations in 1986. In a very short span, it has created a niche for itself and is the market leader in this sector. Century has its manufacturing unit at Bishnupur near Joka, Chennai, Karnal and Roorkee, equipped with the world-class technology. Century ply today manufactures the entire range of commercial, marine, concrete, shuttering and decorative plywood, Hi Pressure Laminates, Pre - Laminated Particle Board and MDF to its product range. Results for the quarter ended December 31, 2010 Kolkata, 07 February, 2011: Key Updates Sales are Rs. 361 crores for the quarter ended December 31, 2010 YoY growth over Q3FY2010 of 27. EBITDA is Rs. 53 crores for the quarter EBITDA margin is 14.8. PAT after Minority Interest is Rs. 27 crores for the quarter ended December 31, 2010 PLYBOARDS amp ALLIED PRODUCTS Plywood amp Laminates Industry Outlook syche which believes in quality, durability and warranty. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd believes in being first in whatever it does . It has the distinction of becoming the first ISO 9002 company in India for Veneer and Plywood. In 1997, CPIL was the first to introduce the borer proof plywood in India. CPIL is also the first company to go into co branding by associating itself with the Shahrukh Khan starrer Biloo and then by associating with the remix of the Oscar winning title track of Slumdog Millionaire, Jai Ho. No other Plywood brand has ever looked at associations with Bollywood as well as Hollywood for promoting their brands. Today it has been recognized as a Power Brand and is now occupying the platform with iconic brands of Unilever, Nestle, Dabur etc. Century ply was selected as one of the Nations top 200 Power Brands through a nationwide research conducted by ICMR in 23 cities of India . The brand is also rated amongst the Top 100 Most Valuable brands of India. Century ply has also earned the status of a Master Brand. Century ply. after its inception in 1986, never looked back and has created a name today, which ensures quality and return worth every penny spent by the customer. Century ply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate. Century ply has been adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World in five consecutive years. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) has also given Century ply the top position in its surveys. For more Information please contact: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, Kolkata Ph: 033 3940- 3950 Fax: 033 2248-3539 Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. makers of the well-known Century ply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1986 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Century ply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Net sales stood at Rs. 165.13 crores for Q3FY11 compared to Rs. 131.33 crores in the corresponding quarter of last year, an increase of 26 YoY. EBITDA Margins for the quarter stood at 3.4 for Q3FY11 compared to 8.5 for Q3FY10. The company sold 34,258 CBM in Q3FY11 compared to 29,279 CBM in Q3FY10, an increase of 17 in volume. During the quarter our average realization has gone up by 13 from Rs. 45, 881 CBM in Q3FY10 to Rs. 51,691 CBM in Q3FY11. Our margins were impacted due to increase in the cost of raw-material and sales promotion expenses. We are expanding our plywood and veneer capacity by 30,000 CBM at Kandla, Gujarat. This will take our total plywood installed capacity from current 122,420 CBM to 152,420 CBM. LAMINATES amp ALLIED PRODUCTS Net sales stood at Rs. 31.31 crores for Q3FY11 compared to Rs. 26.48 crores in the corresponding quarter of last year, an increase of 18 YoY. EBITDA Margins for the quarter stood at 10.25 for Q3FY11 compared to 16.47 for Q3FY10. The company sold 478,633 sheets in Q3FY11 compared to 459,268 sheets in Q3FY10, an increase of 4 in volume. During the quarter our average realizations have gone up by 7 from Rs. 594 per sheet in Q3FY10 to Rs. 637 per sheet in Q3FY11. Our margins were impacted due to increase in the cost of raw material and sales promotion expenses. We are expanding our laminate capacity by 1.2 million sheets from current 2.4 million sheets at our existing unit in Joka, Kolkata. This will take our total laminate installed capacity to 3.6 million sheets. Pre-Laminated Boards capacity will come at the existing Chennai plant. We would be doubling the current capacity of 800,000 sqm to 1,600,000 sqm . Over the last 5 years, demand in North East Region (NER) has grown by 13 CAGR as against 8 in the rest of the country. The industry demand in NER is expected to grow at 15 in the coming years led by significant government spending, identified Hydro power projects of 36,885 MW and improvement in economic conditions. Net sales stood at Rs. 121.8 crores for Q3FY11 as compared to Rs. 99 crores for Q3FY10. EBITDA is Rs. 26 crores and EBITDA margins at 21.35 in Q3FY11 compared to 29.8 in Q3FY10. The margins were impacted due to increase in freight cost. The company produced 236,540 MT of cement in Q3FY11 compared to 199,088 MT in Q3FY10. The cement dispatches increased by 21. Dispatches were 239,797 MT in Q3FY11 compared to 197,422 MT in Q3FY10. Average realizations increased by 7 as compared to Q3FY10. Average realizations for Q3FY11 were Rs. 5,112 per ton. EBITDA per ton for Q3FY11 stood at Rs. 1,118 per ton. Average utilization for the quarter was 79 The expansion plan to increase cement capacity from 1.2 MT to 4.4 MT is under progress. The expansion plan includes new clinker unit of 1.75MT, grinding units with capacity of 1.6MT each at Guwahati and at Kahalgaon. The capacities will be commissioned in FY2010. Net sales stood at Rs. 28 crores for Q3FY11 as compared to Rs. 19 crores for Q3FY10. EBITDA is Rs. 7.76 crores compared to Rs. 4.7 crores in Q3FY10. Volume for the quarter was 3,726 MT compared to 1,611MT in Q3FY10. The increase in volume is primarily because of demand uptick. Expansion is underway to increase the total capacity to 15,930MT from current 10,620 MT by installing a 9MVA submersible arc furnace. Net sales stood at Rs. 12.08 crores for Q3FY11 as compared to Rs. 6.6 crores for Q3FY10. EBITDA is Rs. 5 crores compared to Rs. 3.6 crores in Q3FY10. Achieved TEUs of 14,189 during the quarter compared to 7,692 TEUs in Q3FY10. The new CFS at Jingira pool got operational in June 2010. Further the recent notification by Kolkata Port trust that all import load containers have to be removed from CFS only will benefit our business significantly. Indian plywood and panel Industry is pegged at Rs. 12,000 crores, the industry is estimated to grow by 15. Organized sector share is 30. It is estimated that organized sector will grow at 20-25 led by rising per capita income, supporting demographics, changing consumer p Sales are Rs. 1,013 crores for the 9 months ended December 31, 2010 YoY growth over 9MFY2010 of 21. EBITDA is Rs. 197 crores for current 9 months EBITDA margin is 19.4. PAT after Minority Interest is Rs. 110 crores for the 9 months ended December 31, 2010 YoY growth of 4. MEDIA RELEASE CPIL Directors approve the scheme of arrangement for the demerger of Ferro Alloy Cement Division: CPIL Directors approve the scheme of arrangement for the demerger of Ferro Alloy amp Cement Division Kolkata, March 28th, 2011: The Board of Directors of Century Plyboards (India) Limited (CPIL) at their Board Meeting held on 28th April,2011 have approved a Scheme of Arrangement betweenCPIL and Star Ferro and Cement Limited (SFCL) providing for demerger of the Ferro Alloys and Cement Division of CPIL to SFCL from the appointed date 1st April, 2011. The Ferro Alloys and Cement Division of CPIL constitute the business and interests of CPIL in manufacturing of Ferro alloy and cement, including captive power plants attached thereto. The rest of the business interests of CPIL, including the manufacturing of plywood, laminate, veneer and others, will continue to belong to and managed by CPIL. The SCFL, is a wholly owned (100) subsidiary of CPIL with CPIL and its nominees holding all the 5,00,000 Equity Shares of Re.1- each issued by SFCL. In consequence of the demerger, SFCL will issue and allot to the shareholders of CPIL, one Equity Share of Re.1- each credited as fully paid up in SFCL, for every one Equity Share of Re.1- each fully paid-up held by them in the capital of CPIL. Consequently, all shareholders of CPIL will also become shareholders of SFCL. The business interest of CPIL has grown over the years and today on the one hand the business of plywood, laminate and allied products and on the other hand Ferro alloy and cement business constitutes the large business segments of the consolidated CPIL and are poised to grow further. The present day nature and size of the business, including the pan India footprint of the latter business, are such that the divergent considerations, factors, financials, risks and rewards applicable to the running, growth and development of such businesses are required to be addressed with greater focus at all levels and are also required to be evaluated and looked at separately. As a part of an overall business reorganisation plan and in order to take the respective businesses to the next level of growth it is necessary to segregate and realign the businesses and interests of CPIL appropriately. In the circumstances, it is considered desirable and expedient to reorganise and reconstruct CPIL by demerging the Ferro Alloys and Cement Division of CPIL to SFCL. The demerger will simplify and rationalise the holding structure of various businesses and interests of CPIL and result in creation of two more focussed entities, (a) CPIL having interests primarily in the plywood, laminate and other businesses (b) SFCL having interests primarily in Ferro alloy and cement business. Consequent to the demerger, the plywood, laminate amp other businesses and Ferro alloy amp cement business will be capable of independent evaluation. The same will unlock shareholders value and enable independent funding of the said businesses as also suitable strategic, technological andor financial alliance and participation of appropriate partners and stakeholders in such business. This will also facilitate the capacity of each of the businesses to raise and access larger funds for running, growth and expansion thereof based on their individual strengths and operating parameters and independent evaluation. The Scheme is subject to and conditional upon the requisite approvals from the shareholders and sanction from the Honble High Court at Calcutta pursuant to Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956. Accordingly, the Scheme although operative from the Appointed Date (1st April 2011) shall come into effect on the Effective Date, being the date on which all requisite formalities required by law will be complete. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. makers of the well-known Century ply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1982 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Century ply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Today it has been recognized as a Power Brand and is now occupying the platform with iconic brands of Unilever, Nestle, Dabur etc. Century ply was selected as one of the Nations top 200 Power Brands through a nationwide research conducted by ICMR in 23 cities of India. The brand is also rated amongst the Top 100 Most Valuable brands of India. Century ply has also earned the status of a Master Brand. Century ply. after its inception in 1986, never looked back and has created a name today, which ensures quality and return worth every penny spent by the customer. Century ply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate. Century ply has been adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World in five consecutive years. MEDIA RELEASE Century Plyboards (I) Ltd declares financial result for the first quarter of the year 2011 12: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd declares financial result for the first quarter of the year 2011 12: Turnover amp Net Profit increases by 35 Turnover of the company increases by 35 Net profit also increases by 35 Earning per share increases from Rs. 0.77 to Rs. 1.04 Kolkata, July 20, 2011 Century Plyboards (I) Limited, the leading plywood and veneer manufacturing company in India, today declared the financial results for the first quarter of the financial year 2011 12, ended on June 30th 2011. Standalone The net profit has increased from Rs. 17.07 crs to Rs. 23.12 crs marking a significant increase of more than 35 over the last quarter in 2010 -11. The turnover of the company has increased from Rs. 233.52 crsto Rs. 314.33 crs registering a stupendous increase of around 35. Consolidated - The net profit has increased from Rs. 51.44 crores to Rs. 53.70 crores an increase of4.38. The Turnover has increased from Rs. 358.39 crores to Rs. 482.27crores, registering an increase of34.57. The EPS has increased from Rs. 1.86 to Rs. 1.95. The company has fared extremely well in the first quarter of this financial year and the team continues the spirit of surging ahead in this Silver Jubilee year of the company. All the expansion plans chalked out by the company is going ahead in full swing. The company is expanding its plywood and veneer capacity by 30,000 CBM by setting up the plant at Kandla, Gujarat. This will take the total plywood installed capacity from current 122,420 CBM to 152,420 CBM. There will be expansion in the production of laminate capacity by 1.2 million sheets from current 2.4 million sheets at the existing unit at Joka, Kolkata. This will take the total laminate installed capacity to 3.6 million sheets. The Pre-Laminated Boards capacity at the Chennai plant will be doubling from the current capacity of 800,000 sqm to 1,600,000 sqm. The plan to set up a fiber board plant at Nellor, Andhra Pradesh is also in the progress. The expansion plan to increase cement capacity from 1.2 MT to 4.4 MT is under progress. The expansion plan includes new clinker unit of 1.75MT, grinding units with capacity of 1.6MT each at Guwahati and at Kahalgaon. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. makers of the well-known Century ply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1986 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Century ply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd believes in being first in whatever it does. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. has the distinction of becoming the first ISO 9002 company in India for Veneer and Plywood. It has recently joined CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) and Indian Green Business Council as a founder member to promote the green building movement in India. The Brand Century ply Century Ply has repositioned the brand in the Lifestyle Products segment, breaking away from the concept of utility products. The product category of decorative veneer and laminates are becoming lifestyle statements and the end user can wear the brand. To pioneer in this category and create a niche for itself, the traditional way of advertising or making associations around the Brand was the way forward and Century ply chose the glamorous entertainment industry of Bollywood to create those associations. 2011 is a glorious year for Century ply as this is the Silver Jubilee Year, Ply Turns Silver, a very proud moment for all Centurions. It seems like yesterday that the company started and in less than a decade became the industry leader. Today sitting on the silver throne the dream is to reach out to the golden era and centuries of celebration of being the undaunted leader. After establishing a leadership position in plywood it is now moving ahead to become the leader in laminates and decorative veneers as the Inspiration in Interiors, a complete solution provider. Century ply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate and has received accolades from every nook and corner. Century ply was adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World 7 times in a row, listed amongst the top companies by Economic Times, Dalal Street, Dun amp Bradstreet amp Business World. MEDIA RELEASE Century Plyboards (I) Ltd declares financial result for the 2nd quarter of the financial year 2011 12: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd declares financial result for the 2nd quarter of the financial year 2011 12 Turnover of the company (standalone) increases by 30.07 Turnover of the company (consolidated) increases by 21.36 Kolkata, October 30th, 2011 Century Plyboards (I) Limited, the leading plywood and veneer manufacturing company in India, today declared the financial results for the second quarter of the financial year 2011 12, ended on September 30th 2011. Standalone The Turn Over of the company for the quarter was Rs.337.11 crore against Rs.259.18 crore in corresponding quarter of last year. Profit after tax for the quarter was Rs. 7.11 crore, while it was Rs. 21.93 crore in the corresponding quarter of the last financial year. The profit has been hit because of an exceptional item of foreign exchange difference loss of Rs. 20.70 crores. Although company booked foreign exchange difference loss of Rs. 1.75 crore only, but the company had to re-instate its FOREX liabilities to comply with relevant accounting standards resulting into such re-instatement loss of Rs. 18.95 crores during the quarter. It is a common knowledge that due to recent global turmoil and Euro zone debt crisis Indian rupee considerably weakened against all major currencies and the company had to take the brunt and face foreign exchange reinstatement loss. With recent developments towards solution of euro zone crisis, company expects to recover major portion of its notional and re-instatement loss of Rs. 18.95 crore in coming quarters. On six months basis profit after tax was down from Rs.39.01 crore to Rs.30.24 cores after providing aforesaid exceptional loss of Rs. 20.70 crores. Consolidated - Turn Over for the quarter was Rs 452.81 crore compared to Rs.373.10 crore in corresponding quarter of last year. Profit after tax and minority interest for the quarter was Rs.14.09 crore while it wasRs.41.99 crore in the corresponding quarter of last year. The profitability was hit due to foreign exchange reinstatementloss. On six months basis profit after tax and minority interest was Rs.83.25 crore while it wasRs.57.71 crore in the last financial year. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. makers of the well-known Century ply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1986 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Century ply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd believes in being first in whatever it does. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. has the distinction of becoming the first ISO 9002 company in India for Veneer and Plywood. It has recently joined CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) and Indian Green Business Council as a founder member to promote the green building movement in India. The Brand Century ply Century Ply has repositioned the brand in the Lifestyle Products segment, breaking away from the concept of utility products. The product category of decorative veneer and laminates are becoming lifestyle statements and the end user can wear the brand. To pioneer in this category and create a niche for itself, the traditional way of advertising or making associations around the Brand was the way forward and Century ply chose the glamorous entertainment industry of Bollywood to create those associations. 2011 is a glorious year for Century ply as this is the Silver Jubilee Year, Ply Turns Silver, a very proud moment for all Centurions. It seems like yesterday that the company started and in less than a decade became the industry leader. Today sitting on the silver throne the dream is to reach out to the golden era and centuries of celebration of being the undaunted leader. After establishing a leadership position in plywood it is now moving ahead to become the leader in laminates and decorative veneers as the Inspiration in Interiors, a complete solution provider. Century ply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate and has received accolades from every nook and corner. Century ply was adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World 7 times in a row, listed amongst the top companies by Economic Times, Dalal Street, Dun amp Bradstreet amp Business World. MEDIA RELEASE Century Plyboards (I) Ltds Q3 Net Profit jumps by 449 Turnover jumps by 76: Century Plyboards (I) Ltds Q3 Net Profit jumps by 449 Turnover jumps by 76 Kolkata, January 30, 2007 Century Plyboards (I) Limited, the top plywood and veneer manufacturing company in India, has announced its unaudited financial results for the third quarter ended December 31, 2006. The Turnover of the company after consolidation has gone up to a very impressive figure of Rs. 508.32 crores, marking an increase of 76 from Rs. 288.28 crores in the corresponding quarter for the year 2005. The net profit has taken a quantum leap to Rs. 64.44 crores from Rs. 11.73 crores registering an increase of 449. Recently, Shyam Century Ferrous Ltd. (SCFL) has gone for merger with Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. and it has reflected in the financial results very positively showing the great advantage of this merger. The stand alone Turnover of CPIL for this quarter has marked a very good figure of Rs. 309.88 crores, an increase of 62 in comparison to the figure of Rs. 191.41 crores registered in the third quarter in 2005. The stand alone net profit is Rs. 15.09 crores for this quarter, an increase of 1115 from the figure of Rs. 7.01 crores in the corresponding quarter last year. Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka, Managing Director CPIL, informed that, the decision of merger has been to our advantage and it is obvious in the result. The company is today in the expansion mode and wants to utilize the opportunities at its best. Today, Centuryply is not only the top plywood brand in India but also the fastest growing wood company, looking forward to make it a 1000 crores company by 2007-08. Centuryply has successfully ventured in cement, agri-business, power, ferro alloy, shipping and adhesive besides its core business of plywood Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, the first ISO 9002 Company in India for plywood and veneer, started its operations in 1986. In a very short span, it has created a niche for itself and is the market leader in this sector. Century has its manufacturing unit at Bishnupur near Joka equipped with the world-class technology. Century today manufactures the entire range of commercial, marine, concrete, shuttering and decorative plywood. Century has also very recently added the Hi - Pressure Laminates, Pre - Laminated Particle Board and MDF to its product range. MEDIA RELEASE Century Plyboards (I) Ltd declares financial result: Net profit also increases by 35 Earning per share increases from Rs. 0.77 to Rs. 1.04 Kolkata, July 20, 2011 Century Plyboards (I) Limited, the leading plywood and veneer manufacturing company in India, today declared the financial results for the first quarter of the financial year 2011 12, ended on June 30th 2011. Standalone The net profit has increased from Rs. 17.07 crs to Rs. 23.12 crs marking a significant increase of more than 35 over the last quarter in 2010 -11. The turnover of the company has increased from Rs. 233.52 crs to Rs. 314.33 crs registering a stupendous increase of around 35. Consolidated - The net profit has increased from Rs. 51.44 crores to Rs. 53.70 crores an increase of 4.38. The Turnover has increased from Rs. 358.39 crores to Rs. 482.27crores, registering an increase of 34.57. The EPS has increased from Rs. 1.86 to Rs. 1.95. The company has fared extremely well in the first quarter of this financial year and the team continues the spirit of surging ahead in this Silver Jubilee year of the company. All the expansion plans chalked out by the company is going ahead in full swing. The company is expanding its plywood and veneer capacity by 30,000 CBM by setting up the plant at Kandla, Gujarat. This will take the total plywood installed capacity from current 122,420 CBM to 152,420 CBM. There will be expansion in the production of laminate capacity by 1.2 million sheets from current 2.4 million sheets at the existing unit at Joka, Kolkata. This will take the total laminate installed capacity to 3.6 million sheets. The Pre-Laminated Boards capacity at the Chennai plant will be doubling from the current capacity of 800,000 sqm to 1,600,000 sqm. The plan to set up a fiber board plant at Nellor, Andhra Pradesh is also in the progress. The expansion plan to increase cement capacity from 1.2 MT to 4.4 MT is under progress. The expansion plan includes new clinker unit of 1.75MT, grinding units with capacity of 1.6MT each at Guwahati and at Kahalgaon. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. makers of the well-known Centuryply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1986 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Centuryply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd believes in being first in whatever it does. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. has the distinction of becoming the first ISO 9002 company in India for Veneer and Plywood. It has recently joined CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) and Indian Green Business Council as a founder member to promote the green building movement in India. The Brand Centuryply Century Ply has repositioned the brand in the Lifestyle Products segment, breaking away from the concept of utility products. The product category of decorative veneer and laminates are becoming lifestyle statements and the end user can wear the brand. To pioneer in this category and create a niche for itself, the traditional way of advertising or making associations around the Brand was the way forward and Centuryply chose the glamorous entertainment industry of Bollywood to create those associations. 2011 is a glorious year for Centuryply as this is the Silver Jubilee Year, Ply Turns Silver, a very proud moment for all Centurions. It seems like yesterday that the company started and in less than a decade became the industry leader. Today sitting on the silver throne the dream is to reach out to the golden era and centuries of celebration of being the undaunted leader. After establishing a leadership position in plywood it is now moving ahead to become the leader in laminates and decorative veneers as the Inspiration in Interiors, a complete solution provider. Centuryply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate and has received accolades from every nook and corner. Centuryply was adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World 7 times in a row, listed amongst the top companies by Economic Times, Dalal Street, Dun amp Bradstreet amp Business World. For further Information please contact: Madhumita Upadhyay Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, Kolkata Ph: 033 3940- 3950 Fax: 033 2248-3539 Email: madhumitacenturyply MEDIA RELEASE CPIL Directors approve: CPIL Directors approve the scheme of arrangement for the demerger of Ferro Alloy amp Cement Division Kolkata, March 28th, 2011: The Board of Directors of Century Plyboards (India) Limited (CPIL) at their Board Meeting held on 28th April,2011 have approved a Scheme of Arrangement between CPIL and Star Ferro and Cement Limited (SFCL) providing for demerger of the Ferro Alloys and Cement Division of CPIL to SFCL from the appointed date 1st April, 2011. The Ferro Alloys and Cement Division of CPIL constitute the business and interests of CPIL in manufacturing of Ferro alloy and cement, including captive power plants attached thereto. The rest of the business interests of CPIL, including the manufacturing of plywood, laminate, veneer and others, will continue to belong to and managed by CPIL. The SCFL, is a wholly owned (100) subsidiary of CPIL with CPIL and its nominees holding all the 5,00,000 Equity Shares of Re.1- each issued by SFCL. In consequence of the demerger, SFCL will issue and allot to the shareholders of CPIL, one Equity Share of Re.1- each credited as fully paid up in SFCL, for every one Equity Share of Re.1- each fully paid-up held by them in the capital of CPIL. Consequently, all shareholders of CPIL will also become shareholders of SFCL. The business interest of CPIL has grown over the years and today on the one hand the business of plywood, laminate and allied products and on the other hand Ferro alloy and cement business constitutes the large business segments of the consolidated CPIL and are poised to grow further. The present day nature and size of the business, including the pan India footprint of the latter business, are such that the divergent considerations, factors, financials, risks and rewards applicable to the running, growth and development of such businesses are required to be addressed with greater focus at all levels and are also required to be evaluated and looked at separately. As a part of an overall business reorganisation plan and in order to take the respective businesses to the next level of growth it is necessary to segregate and realign the businesses and interests of CPIL appropriately. In the circumstances, it is considered desirable and expedient to reorganise and reconstruct CPIL by demerging the Ferro Alloys and Cement Division of CPIL to SFCL. The demerger will simplify and rationalise the holding structure of various businesses and interests of CPIL and result in creation of two more focussed entities, (a) CPIL having interests primarily in the plywood, laminate and other businesses (b) SFCL having interests primarily in Ferro alloy and cement business. Consequent to the demerger, the plywood, laminate amp other businesses and Ferro alloy amp cement business will be capable of independent evaluation. The same will unlock shareholders value and enable independent funding of the said businesses as also suitable strategic, technological andor financial alliance and participation of appropriate partners and stakeholders in such business. This will also facilitate the capacity of each of the businesses to raise and access larger funds for running, growth and expansion thereof based on their individual strengths and operating parameters and independent evaluation. The Scheme is subject to and conditional upon the requisite approvals from the shareholders and sanction from the Honble High Court at Calcutta pursuant to Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956. Accordingly, the Scheme although operative from the Appointed Date (1st April 2011) shall come into effect on the Effective Date, being the date on which all requisite formalities required by law will be complete. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. makers of the well-known Centuryply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1982 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Centuryply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Today it has been recognized as a Power Brand and is now occupying the platform with iconic brands of Unilever, Nestle, Dabur etc. Centuryply was selected as one of the Nations top 200 Power Brands through a nationwide research conducted by ICMR in 23 cities of India. The brand is also rated amongst the Top 100 Most Valuable brands of India. Centuryply has also earned the status of a Master Brand. Centuryply, after its inception in 1986, never looked back and has created a name today, which ensures quality and return worth every penny spent by the customer. Centuryply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate. Centuryply has been adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World in five consecutive years. For more Information please contact: Madhumita Upadhyay Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, Kolkata Ph: 033 3940- 3950 Fax: 033 2248-3539 Email: madhumitacenturyply MEDIA RELEASE Media Release: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd declares financial result for the 2nd quarter of the financial year 2011 12 Turnover of the company (standalone) increases by 30.07 Turnover of the company (consolidated) increases by 21.36 Kolkata, October 30th, 2011 Century Plyboards (I) Limited, the leading plywood and veneer manufacturing company in India, today declared the financial results for the second quarter of the financial year 2011 12, ended on September 30th 2011. Standalone The Turn Over of the company for the quarter was Rs.337.11 crore against Rs.259.18 crore in corresponding quarter of last year. Profit after tax for the quarter was Rs. 7.11 crore, while it was Rs. 21.93 crore in the corresponding quarter of the last financial year. The profit has been hit because of an exceptional item of foreign exchange difference loss of Rs. 20.70 crores. Although company booked foreign exchange difference loss of Rs. 1.75 crore only, but the company had to re-instate its FOREX liabilities to comply with relevant accounting standards resulting into such re-instatement loss of Rs. 18.95 crores during the quarter. It is a common knowledge that due to recent global turmoil and Euro zone debt crisis Indian rupee considerably weakened against all major currencies and the company had to take the brunt and face foreign exchange reinstatement loss. With recent developments towards solution of euro zone crisis, company expects to recover major portion of its notional and re-instatement loss of Rs. 18.95 crore in coming quarters. On six months basis profit after tax was down from Rs.39.01 crore to Rs.30.24 cores after providing aforesaid exceptional loss of Rs. 20.70 crores. Consolidated - Turn Over for the quarter was Rs 452.81 crore compared to Rs.373.10 crore in corresponding quarter of last year. Profit after tax and minority interest for the quarter was Rs.14.09 crore while it was Rs.41.99 crore in the corresponding quarter of last year. The profitability was hit due to foreign exchange reinstatementloss. On six months basis profit after tax and minority interest was Rs.83.25 crore while it was Rs.57.71 crore in the last financial year. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. makers of the well-known Centuryply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1986 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Centuryply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd believes in being first in whatever it does. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. has the distinction of becoming the first ISO 9002 company in India for Veneer and Plywood. It has recently joined CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) and Indian Green Business Council as a founder member to promote the green building movement in India. The Brand Centuryply Century Ply has repositioned the brand in the Lifestyle Products segment, breaking away from the concept of utility products. The product category of decorative veneer and laminates are becoming lifestyle statements and the end user can wear the brand. To pioneer in this category and create a niche for itself, the traditional way of advertising or making associations around the Brand was the way forward and Centuryply chose the glamorous entertainment industry of Bollywood to create those associations. 2011 is a glorious year for Centuryply as this is the Silver Jubilee Year, Ply Turns Silver, a very proud moment for all Centurions. It seems like yesterday that the company started and in less than a decade became the industry leader. Today sitting on the silver throne the dream is to reach out to the golden era and centuries of celebration of being the undaunted leader. After establishing a leadership position in plywood it is now moving ahead to become the leader in laminates and decorative veneers as the Inspiration in Interiors, a complete solution provider. Centuryply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate and has received accolades from every nook and corner. Centuryply was adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World 7 times in a row, listed amongst the top companies by Economic Times, Dalal Street, Dun amp Bradstreet amp Business World. For further Information please contact: Madhumita Upadhyay Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, Kolkata Ph: 033 3940- 3950 Fax: 033 2248-3539 MEDIA RELEASE Terrific 25: Innovative idea of co creation Century Plyboards (I) Ltd today introduced a new concept, the Power of co creation, in the plywood and panel industry. Centuryply launched a range of co created designer veneer for the first time in the lifestyle product segment co creating designs with the customers. This emphasized the fact that the end user need not necessarily be just the recipient of the products but can also be a part of the creation of the same. The Terrific 25 Design Workshop where the architects and the international designers put their heads together to co-create 25 new design veneers. So named to mark 25 years of the companys experience in the market, the workshop aimed at providing an interactive platform where the customers became the creators. Designed by the architects for the architects, it is a first of its kind undertaking for the design of decorative wood veneers in the country, where the architects worked closely with the manufacturers in coming up with products they would like to use in their projects. The session brought together leading Indian and international names from the business, like - Karan Grover, Prem Nath, Reboni Saha, Rahul Gore, Sonal Sancheti. Kazunori Matsumura (Japan), Rojas Velenzuela (Chile) and Federico Horecia Mirabel Pietra (Italy). During the workshop, Mr. Abhra Banerjee, Executive Business Head of CPIL, said that Nothing in the world is possible without co-creationeven the God almighty takes the help of man in co-creating. Century Veneers presents Terrific 25 on the occasion of the 25 Years of Centuryply. An exercise in co-creation, where the imagination of the countrys finest architects combines with the technical prowess and 25 years of Century Plys experience to create unique designer veneers. The Architects always want customized veneer designs for their various specific requirements. This workshop facilitated this requirement. In all the 25 veneer design the idea behind was either to provide a functional solution or to give shape to the bursts of imagination of a creative designer. Für z. B. in some case like Grass on Canvas design, the idea is very abstract, as it is very difficult to capture a natural image in natural veneers. The inspiration behind stemmed from the thought that designs should be co-created with the end-consumers. Through this workshop the architectsdesigners who are also Centuryply customers were involved in the process of veneer designing from the very start. They began by drawing up the layouts for the designs and after getting approvals from the in-house design team, they took a tour of the plant to understand the intricate production process of veneers. This not only made them a proud part of the production process, it brought about a creative osmosis between the consumers and the company. It created a scope for fresh ideas and views, renewed interests and generated sense of ownership. Mr. Sanjay Agarwal, MD of CPIL, commented on the occasion, With the support of these eminent architects like Prem Nath, karan Grover, Rahul Gore etc. we have developed 25 new designs commemorating our 25 years of success and innovation. This workshop has proved to be an enthralling way to crack boredom of customers accustomed to select from an array of veneers they have always seen. Adding to its list of firsts Centuryply lived up to its thought-leader status, and yet again steered a creative innovation the industry had not seen before. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. makers of the well-known Centuryply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1986 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Centuryply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd believes in being first in whatever it does. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. has the distinction of becoming the first ISO 9002 company in India for Veneer and Plywood. It has recently joined CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) and Indian Green Business Council as a founder member to promote the green building movement in India. The Brand Centuryply Century Ply has repositioned the brand in the Lifestyle Products segment, breaking away from the concept of utility products. The product category of decorative veneer and laminates are becoming lifestyle statements and the end user can wear the brand. To pioneer in this category and create a niche for itself, the traditional way of advertising or making associations around the Brand was the way forward and Centuryply chose the glamorous entertainment industry of Bollywood to create those associations. 2011 is a glorious year for Centuryply as this is the Silver Jubilee Year, Ply Turns Silver, a very proud moment for all Centurions. It seems like yesterday that the company started and in less than a decade became the industry leader. Today sitting on the silver throne the dream is to reach out to the golden era and centuries of celebration of being the undaunted leader. After establishing a leadership position in plywood it is now moving ahead to become the leader in laminates and decorative veneers as the Inspiration in Interiors, a complete solution provider. Centuryply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate and has received accolades from every nook and corner. Centuryply was adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World 7 times in a row, listed amongst the top companies by Economic Times, Dalal Street, Dun amp Bradstreet amp Business World. For further Information please contact: Madhumita Upadhyay Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, Kolkata Ph: 033 3940- 3950 Fax: 033 2248-3539 Email: madhumitacenturyply MEDIA RELEASE Centuryply unveils Opulenza Romana: unveils : Premium range of designer laminates inspired from Rome Kolkata, December 22nd, 2011: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, the leading plywood and veneer manufacturer of the country, today unveiled the much awaited, exclusive range of decorative laminates, Opulenza Romana. This new range of laminates has been inspired by the romantic legend of the sculptor Angelo and Princess Amber of Rome. It is a unique range whose beauty lies in the aesthetic blend of relief surfaces with other interior elements. The most important characteristic of this range is that it gives an opportunity to the end user to recreate the opulence of the bygone era in hisher modern interior space. The rationale behind the launch of this was to bring in the international trend to the customers doorstep and give them the best quality product. This is also a tribute to the customers in the Silver Jubilee year of the company. This exquisite range has it all from special laminates to suit the innermost office shelf needs to non toxic emission free laminates that defines the signature room of your dreams. The post forming laminate moulds are perfect for the corporates who require modular work stations. The fire retardant laminates are FR Grade II, manufactured by using special chemicals that ensures a toxic free environment, and the hi resistance to fire makes it the most suitable one for kitchen and office interiors. The introduction of new texture range Wavy Zale is a reflection of the dynamism in the growing urban culture. This is a best fit for the malls, lobbies, restaurants, bars, elevators, spunky offices and clubs. Speaking on the unveiling of this enticing range of decorative laminates, Mr. Abhra Banerjee, Executive Business Head (Deco LOB) of Centuryply said We all desire to live in a dream house and somewhere it is always related to the magnificence of the palace of kings and queens, a house from the fairy tale. It is this particular desire of the end consumer that inspired us to bring this range of decorative laminates for our esteemed clientele. About Century Plyboards (I) Limited: Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. ET 500 Company amp the makers of the well-known Centuryply brand of Plywood and decorative veneers, was set up in 1986 in Kolkata, a joint effort of Mr. Sajjan Bhajanka and Mr. Sanjay Agarwal. The largest seller of plywood and decorative veneers in the Indian organized plywood market, Centuryply today is the leading brand and in its short duration of existence has created a special niche for itself in the industry. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd believes in being first in whatever it does. Century Plyboards (I) Ltd. has the distinction of becoming the first ISO 9002 company in India for Veneer and Plywood. It has recently joined CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) and Indian Green Business Council as a founder member to promote the green building movement in India. The Brand Centuryply Century Ply has repositioned the brand in the Lifestyle Products segment, breaking away from the concept of utility products. The product category of decorative veneer and laminates are becoming lifestyle statements and the end user can wear the brand. To pioneer in this category and create a niche for itself, Centuryply chose the glamorous entertainment industry of Bollywood to create those associations. 2011 is a glorious year for Centuryply as this is the Silver Jubilee Year, Ply Turns Silver, a very proud moment for all Centurions. It seems like yesterday that the company started and in less than a decade became the industry leader. Centuryply has, over the years, maintained a consistent growth rate and has received accolades from every nook and corner. Centuryply was adjudged the Fastest Growing Company with the Highest Turnover by the famous Journal Construction World 7 times in a row, listed amongst the top companies by Economic Times, Dalal Street, Dun amp Bradstreet amp Business World. For further Information please contact: Madhumita Upadhyay Century Plyboards (I) Ltd, Kolkata Ph: 033 3940- 3950 Fax: 033 2248-3539 Email: madhumitacenturyply

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